Accession PMDE39
Name Identification of Proteins Binding Coding and Non-coding Human RNAs using Protein Microarrays
Description We describe a refined approach to identify new human RNA-protein interactions. In vitro transcribed labeled RNA is bound to ~9,400 human recombinant proteins spotted on protein microarrays. This approach identified 137 RNA-protein interactions for 10 human coding and non-coding RNAs, including an interaction between Staufen 1 protein and TP53 mRNA that promoted the latter’s stability. RNA hybridization to protein microarrays allows rapid identification of human RNA-protein interactions on a large scale.
Publication Identification of Proteins Binding Coding and Non-coding Human RNAs using Protein Microarrays (Go to PubMed)
Provider Kun Qu
Species Homo sapiens
Subspecies Empty
Array type Proteome array
Sample Nucleic acid
Number of array 10
Array(1) Invitrogen ProtoArray v5.0
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Analysis report No relevant analysis report. If you want to analyse this data, please contact us.
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