Accession PMDE55
Name Expanding the substantial interactome of NEMO using protein microarrays
Description Corresponding with this finding, RNA silencing of CDK2, SAG and SENP2 reduced NF-kappaB transcriptional activation, supporting a positive role for these proteins in the NF-kappaB pathway. The identification of a host of new NEMO interactors opens up new research opportunities to improve understanding of this essential cell signaling pathway.
Publication Expanding the substantial interactome of NEMO using protein microarrays (Go to PubMed)
Provider Beau Fenner
Species Multi species
Subspecies Empty
Array type Proteome array
Sample Purified protein
Number of array 3
Array(1) Invitrogen ProtoArray v4 human protein microarray lot HA20085
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Analysis report No relevant analysis report. If you want to analyse this data, please contact us.
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