Accession 191
Title Uptake of the antifungal cationic peptide Histatin 5 by Candida albicans Ssa2p requires binding to non-conventional sites within the ATPase domain
Summary Peptide array analyses identified two discrete Hst 5-binding epitopes within the ATPase region. Expression of Ssa2p in C. albicans cells carrying mutations in the first epitope identified by thermolysin digestion (Ssa2128-132A3) significantly reduced intracellular transport and fungicidal activity of Hst 5, confirming its importance as a binding site for Hst 5 function in vivo.
Journal Mol Microbiol
Publish date December, 2008
Corresponding Author Mira Edgerton
E-mail ude.olaffub@otregde
Array Type Peptide array
Raw data link No relevant experiment link!
Link to PubMed

PubMed ID:19006817