Accession PMDE147
Name KLF2-induced actin shear fibers control both alignment to flow and JNK signaling in vascular endothelium
Description These findings link the specific effects of shear-induced KLF2 on endothelial morphology to the suppression of JNK MAPK signaling in vascular homeostasis via novel actin shear fibers.
Publication KLF2-induced actin shear fibers control both alignment to flow and JNK signaling in vascular endothelium (Go to PubMed)
Provider Anton J Horrevoets
Species Homo sapiens
Subspecies Empty
Array type Antibody array
Sample Cell lysate
Number of array 2
Array(1) Kinexus KAM-1.2FN 800 Ab microarray
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Analysis report No relevant analysis report. If you want to analyse this data, please contact us.
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