Accession PMDE182
Name Inflammatory cytokines IL-32 and IL-17 have common signaling intermediates despite differential dependence on TNF-receptor
Description The objective of this study was to identify common and unique phosphorylation targets of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-32 and IL-17. These cytokines are associated with the pathogenesis and severity of chronic inflammatory disorders, therefore signaling intermediates of these cytokines could be beneficial as alternate theraputic targets that may likely influence different inflammatory pathways.
Publication Inflammatory cytokines IL-32 and IL-17 have common signaling intermediates despite differential dependence on TNF-receptor (Go to PubMed)
Provider Neeloffer Mookherjee
Species Homo sapiens
Subspecies Empty
Array type Peptide array
Sample Cell lysate
Number of array 6
Array(1) Species Specific Phosphorylation Array
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Analysis report No relevant analysis report. If you want to analyse this data, please contact us.
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