Accession PMDE31
Name Inferring Epitopes of a Polymorphic Antigen Amidst Broadly Cross-Reactive Antibodies Using Protein Microarrays: a Study of OspC Proteins of Borrelia burgdorferi
Description Epitope mapping studies aim to identify the binding sites of antibody-antigen interactions to enhance the development of vaccines, diagnostics and immunotherapeutic compounds. However, mapping is a laborious process employing time- and resource-consuming ‘wet bench’ techniques or epitope prediction software that are still in their infancy. For polymorphic antigens, another challenge is characterizing cross-reactivity between epitopes, teasing out distinctions between broadly cross-reactive responses, limited cross-reactions among variants and the truly type-specific responses. A refined understanding of cross-reactive antibody binding could guide the selection of the most informative subsets of variants for diagnostics and multivalent subunit vaccines.
Publication Inferring Epitopes of a Polymorphic Antigen Amidst Broadly Cross-Reactive Antibodies Using Protein Microarrays: a Study of OspC Proteins of Borrelia burgdorferi (Go to PubMed)
Provider Elisabeth Baum
Species Homo sapiens
Subspecies Empty
Array type Peptide array
Sample Cell lysate
Number of array 110
Array(1) OspC Protein Microarray
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